Fungal Grotto II

Fungal Grotto II

Base Game

Minimum Level 39

20 minutes

Varanis, Stonefalls

Lighting the Shadows

These extensive caverns in the volcanic rock beneath Stonefalls were once used for unknown purposes by the ancient Chimer, but were abandoned by the Elves long ago. Now they are the haunt of Goblins and other denizens of the underworld.  


Ciirenas the Shepherd

To defeat Ciirenas the Shepherd, ignore the spider ads and focus solely on the boss. Taking down the spiders first will only make the Shepherd harder to damage and prolong the fight. Instead, use Volcanic Runes or other AOE crowd control to prevent the spider ads from dealing significant damage.

Gamyne Bandu

To defeat Gamyne Bandu, when the Hand starts to glow, all players except the tank should spread out. After the beam connects, the 2 players must run away from each other until the beam breaks. Once a player is chained, focus all attack on only one Tormentor as this is enough to break the chain and free the player. All 4 Obsidian Aspects need to be killed before the boss reappears. These Aspects can do heavy damage if not blocked, so it is best to use AOE and crowd control abilities such as Volcanic Runes to take them down.

Mephala's Fang

To defeat Mephala's Fang, start by focusing on the 2 healer ads. Once they are dealt with, tanks should position Mephala's Fang away from the rest of the group to avoid the Poisonous Spray conal AOE. It is crucial to avoid standing in the AOE circles, as they can cause heavy damage that may potentially be fatal, and it's important to note that these circles persist even after the boss is defeated.

Reggr Dark-Dawn

To defeat Reggr Dark-Dawn, begin by attacking the Obsidian Warriors on the sides of the room before engaging him. Once Reggr is aggroed, make sure to destroy the Oblivion Husk after defeating him. It is crucial to bring potions that can restore drained Magicka quickly. The tank should block the Heavy attack and maintain the boss's focus, as this attack can instantly kill any other player if they are hit.

Spawn of Mephala

To defeat Spawn of Mephala, kite the Boss towards the bridge furthest away from the portal to avoid being teleported into a room with spiders. As soon as the Boss starts to glow, run away to avoid the rapidly expanding Red Circle attack. Be cautious of the light beam circles and make sure not to get caught in more than one at a time, as it can be fatal.

Vila Theran

To defeat Vila Theran, it is important to stay close to your group to minimize the area of Black Hole AOE drops. Move away together to the other side until the next teleport and repeat the same. Tanks and DPS should have ranged options as getting into Melee range can be difficult and risky. To avoid the high DoT attack, run to the wayshrine with a large forcefield around it. Inside the forcefield, the DoT will stop. Exit the wayshrine and continue the fight.

Gear Sets

Spider Cultist Cowl   Light Armor
Viper's Sting   Medium Armor
Dreugh King Slayer   Heavy Armor
Spawn of Mephala   Monster Helm Sets


Fungal Grotto II Vanquisher   10 points
Fungal Grotto II Conqueror   10 points
Fearless Assaulter   50 points
Veteran Arachnid Slayer   10 points
Veteran Obsidian Slayer   10 points
Fungal Grotto II Survivor   50 points
Fungal Grotto II Assassin   50 points
